Many of our customers didn’t realize all the benefits that the BarrelMover 5000 would add to each project. Not only are they able to provide their employees with the safest method for deploying and removing lane closures, their workforce is available for other tasks quicker and less fatigued than conventional traffic control.
Every contractor is looking for ways to increase production on a project that deals with time restrictions. Being able to stay in the work zone longer means higher profits generated each and every shift. Subcontractor will benefit as well, able to complete their work ahead of schedule and eager to bid future work on your projects.
Let’s look at a project that is scheduled to take 160 days to complete. We have already explored the benefits of staying in the work zone longer each shift and the huge returns you will see in your daily pay items. Now let’s consider the impact to your schedule. Extending the time in the work zone and increasing your productivity, will allow you to eliminate 1 working day from your schedule every 8 days. This will shave off 20 days, allowing your company to finish the project ahead of schedule and move on to other jobs.